các bạn vào admincp =>> Modules =>> HTML =>> creat new HTML page.
và paste đoạn code sau vào đó.
sau đó chọn như hình sau:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
sau đó ấn: Submit để hoàn thành hoặc ấn xem trước để xem.
demo: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
chúc các bạn thành công
và paste đoạn code sau vào đó.
- Code:
<TITLE>Di?n dàn chia s? ki?n th?c và giao luu h?c h?i....!</TITLE>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<script language="Javascript">
msg = new Array(); //strings written in screen
msg[0] = "<H2><center>[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - Forum sharing and exchange of learning !</center> <br></H2>";
msg[1] = "<center>di?n dàn <font color=red>chia s? ki?n th?c</font> và <font color=red>giao luu, h?c h?i</font>... !<br></center> ";
msg[2] = " <br><font face='Tahoma' color='#0066ff'><center><b>Chào m?ng b?n d?n v?i huongduong.forum-viet.com<center></b></font><br><center>Noi mà b?n có th? chia s? nh?ng ki?n th?c c?a b?n v?i m?i ngu?i và giao luu, h?c h?i nh?ng ki?n th?c m?i....</center> </br> ";
msg[3] = "<center>Cùng chung tay xây d?ng m?t di?n dàn huongduong.forum-viet.com càng l?n m?nh nhé!</center>";
msg[4] = "<h2> <center><font face='Tahoma' color=green>http://huongduong.forum-viet.com/</font><center></h1> ";
msg[5] = " <font face='Tahoma' color=green>htttp://.huongduong.forum-viet.com";
text1 = ""; //the same as text2, only the last character is highlighted
text2 = ""; //current string, which will be written
count = 0; //char index in string text
count2 = 0; //number of strings
text = msg[0].split(""); //text - string written
function writetext() { //show strings above on screen
text1 = text2 + "<font color='#ffffff'>" + text[count] + "</font>";
text2 += text[count];
document.all["nothing"].innerHTML = text1; //where to write
if (count < text.length-1){
setTimeout('writetext()', 25);
else { //if this string is written, get the new string
count = 0;
if (count2 != 4) { //write 4 strings
text2 += "<p>"; //a new line
text = eval('msg['+count2+'].split("")'); //get the new string to text
setTimeout('writetext()', 25);
<BODY text="#ffffff" bgColor="#000000" onLoad="writetext()">
<table align="center">
<div id="nothing" style="width:'800px'; height:'300px'; font-family:'courier new'; font-weight:'bold'"></div>
<script language="Javascript">
if (document.all){
Cols = 9; //number of falldown binary string
Cl = 50; //maximum length of binary string
Cs = 100; //number of pixels between binary strings
Ts = 10; //font-size of binary string
Tc = '#008800'; //color of binary string
Tc1 = '#00ff00'; //color of 1st bit in binary string
MnS = 22; //minimum speed of binary string
MxS = 25; //maximum spees of binary string
I = Cs;
Sp = new Array(); //array speed of binary strings
S = new Array(); //the position of binary string
Y = new Array(); //array of position of binary strings
C = new Array(); //array save bits of string
M = new Array(); //binary string
B = new Array(); //temp for creating binary string
RC = new Array(); //length of binary strings
E = new Array(); //array of head-bit in written strings
Tcc = new Array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); //array of head-bit in binary strings
document.write("<div id='Container' style='position:absolute; top:0; left+Cs+"'>");
for (i=0; i < Cols; i++){ //area to show binary strings
S[i] = I += Cs; //calculate the position of binary string
document.write("<div id='A' style='position:absolute; top:0; font-family:Arial;" +
"font-size:" + Ts + "px; left:" + S[i] + "; width:" + Ts + "px;" +
"height:0px; color:" + Tc + "; visibility:hidden'></div>");
for(j = 0; j < Cols; j++){
RC[j] = 1 + Math.round(Math.random()*Cl); //random length of the binary strings
for(i=0; i < RC[j]; i++){
B[i] = ""; //sign of ending of string
C[i] = Math.round(Math.random())+' '; //get bit in binary strings
B[0] += C[i];
M[j] = B[0]; //binary string
Y[j] = 0; //1st position of strings are 0
Sp[j] = Math.round(MnS+Math.random()*MxS); //random speed of binary strings
function Cycle(){
Container.style.top = window.document.body.scrollTop;
for (i=0; i < Cols; i++){
var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*Tcc.length); //get a position in table Tcc
E[i] = '<font color='+Tc1+'>'+Tcc[r]+'</font>'; //get the head-bit
Y[i]+=Sp[i]; //the position of current string
if (Y[i] > window.document.body.clientHeight) { //if at the end of window, calculate again
i2 = 1 + Math.round(Math.random()*Cols);
RC[i2] = 1 + Math.round(Math.random()*Cl);
for(i3 = 0; i3 < RC[i2]; i3++){ //get bit in binary strings
B[i3] = "";
C[i3] = Math.round(Math.random())+' ';
B[0] += C[i3];
M[i] = B[0];
Y[i] = -Ts*M[i].length/1.5; //hide 2/3 string at beginning
Sp[i] = Math.round(MnS+Math.random()*MxS); //random speed of binary strings
A[i].style.visibility = 'visible';
A[i].style.top=Y[i]; //the i-th in tag div A
A[i].innerHTML=M[i] + ' ' + E[i]; //show the binary string in tag A
<p><a href ="http://huongduong.forum-viet.com/index.htm"><font size="6" color=red>» Click Vào Di?n Ðàn «</font></a><br>
<font size="3" color=#ffffff> ..:: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - The house of ddhd member ::.. </strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<a href="http://www.forum-viet.net" target="_blank"><font color=black>forum-viet.net</font></a>
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[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
sau đó ấn: Submit để hoàn thành hoặc ấn xem trước để xem.
demo: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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